Chet Holmes is one of my favorite mentors. He wrote the book The Ultimate Sales Machine, which I highly recommend to anyone in business. I received an email yesterday from Mitch Russo, President of Business Breakthroughs International saying that Chet was just recently diagnosed with Leukemia. His white blood count was at 178,000 (normal is 4,000 to 11,000). The doctors, of course, want to start him on Chemo as soon as possible. Chet, known for his pig-headed determination, decided to use his mind and spirit and the collective power of the universe to turn this around. Using the Internet to take his message viral, he got thousands of people praying for him. That was on Sunday. By Monday, his blood count was normal. Is that not awesome?
Chet is by no way out of the woods. But don’t you just marvel at the body’s ability to get healthy when given the right tools. Even though highly trained and skilled, most doctors just don’t get this concept. Unfortunately, even if they wanted to embrace it they can’t afford to due to our litigious society. We spend so much more money on disease management then on efforts to get and stay healthy it’s disgusting. I could go on, but I’ll save that for another day.
In the meantime, please take a few moments to say a little prayer for Chet and the countless others that are battling these horrendous diseases.
If you would like to follow Chet’s plight, go to
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